SAHS, You are not alone in feeling compassion for those in Myanmar or Syria whose lives have been destroyed by the ravages of war, it is very disturbing to me also. So many people that have no hope of living a normal life from here on. Mohammad taught that anything that helps the spread of islam is good, even a high body count of muslims if this builds compassion in the enemy and makes for concessions that can be exploited.
Should we accept refugees? The left and all the no borders crowd want to bring them all in and most normal folk have had their reasoning ability anesthetised by the combined dogmas of multiculturalism and political correctness, these evil dogmas work like the aids virus in destroying a cultures immune system. Just have a look (outside of the mainstream media) at what is happening in Germany, Sweden, France etc. etc. They are doomed to creeping islamisation and short of an ugly civil war and soon, they are lost, no joke, do some research on this!
It is interesting to note that the rich Gulf States e.g. Saudi, Qatar, UAE have not taken any Syrians, why is that do you think?
The whole Syrian conflict can be traced back to the Sunnis being conned into being a proxy army by the Globalist Cartel (Traveling Merchant??) to Topple Assad so that a gas pipeline could be laid from Qatar through Syria into Turkey, to compete with Russian gas that now supplies Europe.
If we accept any refugees they should be the Christians and Yazidis as these have a hope of integrating and contributing.
Oh look that is John McCain in a meeting with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi